Likeland instagram museum tiktok events


In Likeland we strive to make each day happier than the day before. Preferably add some extra cheer on top of that. Feel like celebrating (with or without a reason)? Or can you feel your inner model come roaring to the surface? You’ve mastered all your hobbies and is this the time to add some glitter to your life? STOP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! Because we’re going to turn you into a trending topic! #superstar

Workshops & special events

Likeland instagram museum tiktok events

Photo shoot

Time to shine! And we mean reeeeeally shine. You’re not looking for pictures you’ve seen done a million times before. You want something that’s completely different! You’re not boring and neither are your friends and family. Well then, you are definitely the type of person that needs to meet our photographer! Book a photoshoot that fits your quirky and colorful needs!!


Likeland hondenevent Who Let the Dogs out?!

How to book an event:



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